Winners at the 1st Film Festival 'I deactivate xenophobia and racism'
12/2021 - Canarias
The video created by Fundación Adsis in Canarias won the advertising spot category
Last Friday, December 10, the 1st Film Festival 'I deactivate xenophobia and racism' was held in celebration of International Human Rights Day. The Cepaim Foundation was the entity that organized the contest with the aim of rewarding audiovisual content that contributes to creating a more inclusive society and that serves as a tool to promote a discourse of tolerance and human rights respect.
‘I refuse to deny you’ was the video presented by Fundación Adsis in Canarias and it won the category of advertising spot. A total of 10 audiovisual pieces were competing in the category that ended up rewarding the anti-racist audiovisual piece promoted by young participants of the E2O Adsis Jóvenes initiatives and the MERAKI Literacy Project.
Here is the spot ‘Me niego a negarte’: