Fundación Adsis participates in #HourOfCode
12/2017 - Barcelona
Every person, in every place of the world, can be connected to Internet and use it to send messages. Young people from Adsis had the opportunity to do so in a worldwide educative event. Hour of Code is an initiative to introduce students and people of all ages to computer programming.
Young people from our IT Training and Empoyment Programme and other projects from the foundation participated in this 60 minutes-long activity with volunteers from HP. Its professional team offered a session to each group, in which they taught how to use HTML code in our centres of El Carmel and Clot (Barcelona).
They opened a window of opportunities only by using a computer with access to a browser: highlighted texts with colourful backgrounds or images of their favourite quotations, an hour of expertise and immersion in the Computing Sciences and learning.
Johan Lammens, volunteer coordinator of the HP activity, said: “We help them during the activity, and in the end they can see a website with their name and the pictures they choose. The aim is to introduce them in the computing and programming world, and show them that HTML language is not so difficult, so we can awake their interest in informatics.”
The participants’ eagerness grew as they could sort out the method to build their own space in the Internet. A lot of them decide to continue studying this field and they want to work in web development in the future.
Hour of Code is organised every year, and by now there have been 200.000 events in more than 180 countries. It is a great opportunity to develop skills that we may not know we have.